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Your CNN account Log in to your CNN account The agency is calling on Congress to fund hiring 1,800 controllers next year in addition to the 1,500 the agency is funded to hire this year. The FAA says it has “completed a comprehensive review of the distribution of controllers” and that it is using a new system to track ATC work assignments. The union of controllers says the FAA should make changes “without the need for congressional intervention and Congress should not require further study of the issue.” The developments are set against the backdrop of Congress determining the new FAA budget, a process known as reauthorization. Last week, the Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General released an audit which found that that “the lack of fully certified controllers, operational supervisors, and traffic management coordinators pose a potential risk to air traffic operations.” The audit also found that 77% of critical facilities are staffed below the FAA’s own 85% staffing threshold and “at several facilities, controllers were working mandatory overtime and 6-day work weeks to cover staff shortages.” Previous CNN reporting found that staffing issues at one key air traffic control facility in Florida triggered thousands of delayed flights over a seven-week period last summer and revealed a complaint that workers were pressured to work overtime to provide coverage. “FAA’s flawed staffing model and inconsistent hiring has resulted in new hires not keeping pace with attrition over the past decade.” “There are currently 1,200 fewer fully certified controllers today compared to ten years ago,” said Santa. The union says that Congress must “require FAA to immediately implement” new staffing standards and “conduct maximum hiring.” “The status quo is no longer sustainable,” said Rich Santa, head of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.

As millions of Americans are expected to pack commercial flights over the July 4th holiday, the union representing the Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic controllers says a recent government watchdog report is proof the agency and Congress must fix a “flawed staffing model.”